Bachelor study
Study programme Information and Network Technologies (IaST)
Study programme Information and Network Technologies (IaST) was created in collaboration with Department of Technical Cybernetics FRI UNIZA based on industry requirements. The programme is therefore focused on practical knowledge of the latest technologies during education process which helps the graduates to gain hands on experience. That’s why some of the offered subjects are based on the well known practical educational programmes such as NetAcad by Cisco Systems (networks, security) or Fortinet Security Academy (security).
The study programme allows student to become and information and network technology specialist. During the studies the student gains knowledge and experience from many IT fields such as computer systems architecture, wired and wireless networks, computer communication security, operating systems principles and administration, solutions for virtualization and Cloud Computing, general and also specific programming techniques.
The advantage of the IaST study programme is possibility to further expand the student’s knowledge after the first year in one of the two specializations: network technology alebo na information technology.
Generally speaking, the student will deal with programming, Internet of Things (IoT), networks and their security, operating systems (OS) and virtualization.






Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Graduate portfolio:
The field of information and network technologies is developing very quickly, so the graduate not only masters current technologies, but is also ready to quickly adapt to emerging technologies. The basis of this is the mastering of exact thinking and general principles of information and communication technologies. Therefore, the graduate is tought to solve discrete mathematical problems and in algorithmic problem solving. The graduate understands the principles and theoretical foundations of his field of study and is able to apply them creatively in his future work. The graduate is able to monitor, understand and participate in the creation of new trends in the industry.
The graduate has basic knowledge in the areas of:
- architectures of computer systems and networks and can apply them in the design and implementation of modern means of communication and information processing systems, with emphasis on new communication technologies,
- basic integrated circuit solutions needed for systems interconnection,
- threats and risks of computer communication, solving the security of computer networks and ensuring their communication,
- wireless communication systems (at the level of user, administrator, or assistant system integrator) in various deployment domains (corporate, cellular, IoT),
- general programming techniques as well as special techniques for embedded systems and network infrastructure,
- principles of operating systems, their management and application programming for various types of computer systems (from operating systems for embedded systems such as RTOS, through Linux to Windows),
- virtualization solution techniques and their application to cloud systems.
Graduades are ready for the development of non-traditional ICT applications and the implementation of new technologies in the field of computer systems and networks – technology transfer.
Under the engeneer supervision, he is able to prepare the project and present it to customers (also in English). He can consult the solution of technical problems with the user of information and network infrastructure. He knows the economic and social context of his field and is motivated to behave ethically.
The study programme is designed to provide students with the opportunity to choose subjects from a wide range of subjects belonging to the whole field of computer systems and networks and to profile themselves in one of two offered specializations: Network Technologies or Information Technologies.
Engineering study
Study programme Applied Network Engineering (ASI)
Come to us and study in depth advanced information and communication technologies and computer networks. You will gain knowledge and skills about technologies of Internet Service Providers, enterprise networks, security or network programming. Moreover, you will learn how to better administer operating systems, clouds, their automation and orchestration, and much more.
Graduate portfolio:
Graduates of study programme Applied network engineering will gain advanced knowledge from field of information and communication networks, advanced network technologies and network infrastructure, design and planning of communication networks, system and network virtualization, integration and network security, or creating of programs for computer and network systems. Based on gained knowledge, graduates will be able to find position on several management posts in software and telecommunication organizations, industry, education, banking, transport, healthcare, public or private sector. They can manage, design, develop, implement, customize and localize architectures of complicated information and communication systems and networks.
The acquired knowledge and working procedures will enable them to manage teams of workers in this area, independently lead large projects and take responsibility for complex solutions.
They gain habits of creative team work on projects and research tasks of faculty. Besides that, they will gain experiences in hypothesis formulation, experimental proposals, hypothesis verification and analysis of acquired information. Graduate can apply in science field in wide range of network technologies, in which he can apply advanced problem-solving methods.
Postgraduate study
– Applied Informatics –
The doctoral study is intended for those who are interested in creative scientific activity, individual or team work in solving various professional problems in various areas of applied informatics. The candidate should be able to take a creative approach to solving basic or applied research tasks that advance knowledge in the field. The knowledge gained in research is applied into daily pedagogical practice and work with students.
Postgraduate study is the last, third grade of University studies in duration of 3 years, which prepares students for scientific work and helps to gaint deeper knowledge of chosen topic.

As part of educational process we prefer individual approach to each student which leads to ever growing community of graduates from FRI as well as community on LinkedIn in our group “Absolventi a priatelia KIS FRI ŽU
Commercial courses
The department offers commercial courses mainly for applicants outside of university. The courses are tailor-made and contains topics from the area of networks and security. The other courses are based on education programmes offered by several partners (Cisco Networking Academy CCNA/CCNP, Juniper Networks Academy Alliance, Fortinet Security Academy).

The up-to-date offered courses are available on the website of our Cisco Academy

Linux Professional Institute courses are privided via Cisco Networking Academy environment – NDG Linux Essentials, NDG Linux I and NDG Linux II.
Courses are preparation for both LPIC and CompTIA certifications.

The department is specializing in the field of communication networks. Since it’s foundation, many trainings were provided by the department’s members to partners from private sector. The training topics were focused on following areas:
- LAN Basics + IP smerovanie + QoS (Slovak Telecom, SSE, iNGN, CSNK, Siemens, Globtel, Tesla LH, ŽSR, Siemens Healthineers)
- Signalization in VoIP (Slovak Telecom, SSE, iNGN, CSNK, Siemens, Globtel, Tesla LH, ŽSR)
- TCP/IP programming (Siemens SWH, PSE)
- and others (Quality of Service , IP Multicast, MPLS, CCNP Routing, Cisco technology overview, Next Generation Networks (NGN) , VoIP, Routing and switchings in TCP/IP networks)
If you are interested, contact head of the department.

In preparation, if you are interested, contact head of the department.

Courses of the official educational programmes coresponds to current certification tracks. It is possible to verify gained knowledge by obtaining industry valued certificates in our official testing centre Pearson Vue. Our testing centre is open mainly on Fridays.
Subjects taught on KIS
Teachers on department are involved in teaching process at UNIZA in subjects mainly focused on network technologies and network security, but also in subjects focused on data analytics, modeling or graphics. Subjects are offered on study programmes at bachelor and engineer level. Portfolio of subjects vary from theoretical ones (Communication Theory) to practical ones (Computer Networks, Design of Networks, Information Systems Security).
Theoretical courses offer overview on mathematical theory of communication and are, of course, inseparable part of complex network knowledge.
In field of practical courses, the department offers wider range of courses. These practical courses include field of enterprise networks, service provider networks, network security, network operating systems, administration of network services (Linux / Windows), network automation, network programming and cloud computing (CC and SDN). Scope of knowledge in these courses is based on educational programmes from vendors such as Cisco Networking Academy Program, Juniper Networks Academic Alliance (JNAA), programme Fortinet Network Security Academy (FNSA), Mikrotik, or even new topics such as cloud computing (CC) or advanced network monitoring by FlowMon elements.
For more information select the course from following list:
Final theses
Each year, the members of the department leads several dozen bachelor’s and master’s theses in various fields. More information about the final theses can be found on the portal or through a selection from the list:
– Where can you find jobs –
Graduates of our study programmes, specially those focused on networks, normally finds jobs in region of V4 (Praha, Brno, Ostrava, Krakov, Bratislava, Žilina, Košice and so on), but of course further within Europe. They get positions such as DevOps engineers, network administrators, network specialist, consultants, and of course programmers and software testers.
These are companies such as:
Cisco, Fortinet, Davinci software, Scheidt & Bachmann, Eset, T-Systems, Orange Business Services, Slovanet, Siemens Healthineers, Asseco Central Europe, Nokia, Západoslovenská energetika, Stredoslovenská distribučná, ReFoMa, EMTest, Accenture, Siemens Mobility, CellQoS, CNC, First Data, Pantheon, AutoCont and so on.