[IIKS] Networks integration


[IIKS] Networks integration

Course scheme:
Part Cloud Computing:
– Current trends in Cloud Computing (CC)
– Network in CC and virtual environments
– Administration of services in OpenStack
– Introduction to orchestration in CC environment
– Work with Version Control System (Git)

Part Software defined networks:
– Technology of SDN, it’s usage and future
– Architecture of SDN, entities, control protocols (OpenFlow)
– SDN solutions: control nodes (POX, OpenMUL, OpenDayLight), switches(Open vSwitch, Indigo Virtual Switch, Cisco VTF) and emulators
– Virtualization techniques (GRE, NVGRE, VxLAN)
– Virtualization of devices and services – Network Function Virtualization

Lecturers from the department:

Course information sheet
University: University of Žilina
Faculty: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics
Course ID: 5IN214Course name: Networks integration (ISietí)
Form, extent and method of teaching activities:
Number of classes per week in the form of lectures,
laboratory exercises, seminars or clinical practice
Lectures: 2.0 Seminars: 0.0 Lab.exercises: 3.0
Methods by which the educational activity is deliveredPresent form of education
Applied educational activities and methods suitable for achieving learning outcomes
Number of credits: 6.0
Study workload: hours
Specification of the study workload:
Recommended term of study: 1. year, summer semester
Study degree: 2.
Required subsidiary courses:

Course requirements:
Continuous assessment / evaluation:

Final assessment /evaluation:
In final examination (written and oral) students can earn 100 points. Final grade is determined by the sum of points earned during both parts of examination.

Final evaluation:
100 – 93 A
92 - 85 B
84 - 77 C
76 - 69 D
68 - 61 E
To enroll for an exam student must have - points.
Course outcomes:
Študent absolvovaním predmetu získa vedomosti o súčasných progresívnych trendoch v oblasti virtualizácie, Cloud Computingu (CC) a Softvérovo definovaných sietí (SDN).
Študent bude:
- oboznámený s aktuálnymi trendmi
- poznať princípy a vhodnosť použitia CC
- poznať princípy a vhodnosť použitia softvérovo definovaných sietí
- oboznámený s možnosťou virtualizácie sieťových komponentov a služieb
Course scheme:
Part Cloud Computing:
- Current trends in Cloud Computing (CC)
- Network in CC and virtual environments
- Administration of services in OpenStack
- Introduction to orchestration in CC environment
- Work with Version Control System (Git)

Part Software defined networks:
- Technology of SDN, it's usage and future
- Architecture of SDN, entities, control protocols (OpenFlow)
- SDN solutions: control nodes (POX, OpenMUL, OpenDayLight), switches(Open vSwitch, Indigo Virtual Switch, Cisco VTF) and emulators
- Virtualization techniques (GRE, NVGRE, VxLAN)
- Virtualization of devices and services - Network Function Virtualization
Erl, T.: Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, ISBN 978-0133387520
Khedher, O.: Mastering OpenStack, ISBN 978-1-78439-564-3
Kurz, R. R., Vines, R. D.: Cloud Security – A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing, ISBN 978-0-470-58987-8
Shukla, V.: Introduction to Software Defined Networking - OpenFlow & VxLAN, ISBN 978-1482678130
Hu, F.: Network Innovation through OpenFlow and SDN – Principles and Design, ISBN 978-1-4665-7209-6
Instruction language: slovak/english
Course evaluation::
Total number of evaluated students: 10
100.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
100.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
Course teachers:
Lecture: Ing. Marek Moravčík, PhD.
Laboratory: Ing. Marek Moravčík, PhD.
Last updated: 2021-01-19 10:16:54.000
The person responsible for the course: prof. Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD.
Approved by:
SOURCE: https://vzdelavanie.uniza.sk/vzdelavanie/planinfo.php?kod=275110&lng=en