prof. Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD.
MTCNA – MikroTik Certified Network Associate
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Simulátory počítačových sietí – analýza II
PLOŠTICA, Marek: Simulators of Computer Networks - Analysis II. [Bachelor’s thesis]. University of Žilina, Faculty of management science and informatics, Department of information networks. Supervisor’s name: doc. Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD. Professional qualification...
Hĺbková analýza paketov a identifikácia obsahu sieťových tokov nad OS linux
REŠKO, Dominik: Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and the flow content identification using OS linux. [Bachelor thesis]. – University of Žilina, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, Department of Information Networks. – Tutor: doc. Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD....
Meranie prenosových charakteristík IP sietí
SOCHOR, Martin: Measurement of IP network parameters. [Bachelor’s thesis]. Univer-sity of Žilina, Faculty of management science and informatics, Department of infor-mation networks. Supervisor’s name: doc. Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD. Professional qualifica-tion level:...
Riešenie vybraných konfiguračných úloh v heterogénnej implementácii nad produktmi Cisco a Juniper
ŠČASNÝ, Martin: Solving selected configuration tasks in heterogeneous imple-mentation over Cisco and Juniper products. [Bachelor thesis] - University of Žilina in Žilina, Faculty of Management and Informatics, Department of Information Networks. - Supervisor: doc....
ViRo-v3 – rezervácia a manažment fyzických zdrojov
The aim of this thesis is to design a system of reservations and management of physical resources of the server within the ViRo tool and to implement the server part of this system. This system must ensure the smoothest possible run of application without the...
Riešenie zabezpečenej sieťovej konektivity medzi HC komponentami
The aim of the submitted diploma thesis is to get familiar with the networking issues of cloud technologies and propose the implementation of a network connectivity solution between the hybrid cloud infrastructure. The thesis mainly focuses on the hybrid connectivity...
Správa zdieľaných úložísk OpenStack Manila v kontajnerových orchestrátoroch
The aim of this master's thesis is to design and implement a program that allows provisioning, snapshotting and mounting of shared file-systems provided via OpenStack Manila from within container orchestrators. The thesis consists of 6 chapters. The first one revolves...