VoIP riešenie na jednodoskovom počítači

Private bachelor thesis


  • Mazáň, Patrik


Year of submission:

  • 2020

Number of pages:

  • 48s.

Permalink - CRZP:

Primary language:

  • slovenčina

Type of final thesis:

  • bachelor thesis
Final thesis abstract:

Mazáň, Patrik: VOIP solution on embedded computer. [Bachelor thesis]. University of Žilina, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics; Department of Information Networks. Supervisor: Ing. Marek Moravčík, PhD. Žilina: KIS, FRI, ŽU 2020. 48 pages. The first part of the thesis is an analysis of individual models of single-board computers and the subsequent selection of one of them, which will serve as an IP telephone base station. After selecting the appropriate device for this application we will implement software for IP telephone base station Asterisk. The second part of the thesis describes the procedure of configuring desired services. At the end of the thesis is included an appendix, which contains copies of configuration files used in the work and pictures of console logs of several used services. Key words: single-board computers, IP telephony, Raspberry Pi, Asterisk PBX, Raspbian, SIP, Fail2Ban

Key words:

  • Jednodoskové počítače
  • IP telefónia
  • Asterisk PBX
  • Fail2Ban