Jazyky hromadnej konfigurácie

Public bachelor thesis


  • Pekár, Maroš



  • Segeč, Pavel

Year of submission:

  • 2018

Number of pages:

  • 70s.

Permalink - CRZP:

Primary language:

  • slovenčina

Type of final thesis:

  • bachelor thesis
Final thesis abstract:

Aim of the bachelor thesis was to review available configuration management tools, together with their script languages. First chapter represents introduction to the topic and description of theoretical concepts. Second chapter is dedicated to the definition of criteria, by which the four most widely used configuration management tools are subsequently compared, namely the Ansible, Puppet, Chef and Salt. Based on the results of comparison and agreement with tutor, tools Chef and Ansible were chosen to be deployed on demonstrational infrastructure. Deployment, which was described in third chapter, consisted of installation of necessary components and implementation of a predefined configuration scenario. Conclusion of the thesis is dedicated to comparison of these two deployed tools from a practical point of view.

Key words:

  • jazyky hromadnej konfigurácie
  • nástroje na správu konfigurácie
  • Chef
  • Ansible