In my work I focus on extending internet services on Cisco VoIP phones. At the beginning I analyze and analyze the current state of services programmed in PHP. The main objective of this thesis is to deploy improved services for Cisco phones in a suitable programming...
Centrálne zaznamenávanie systémových udalostí
The objective of this thesis is to get familiar with the with central log management tools. The thesis is divided into 5 chapters. The theoretical part contains an analysis of the available tools and their comparison. The practical part is focused on implementation of...
Hromadné nasadzovanie systémov
ŠKULTÉTY, Samuel: Bulk System Deployment . [Bachelor thesis] – The University of Žilina, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, Department of Informatic’s Networks. Tutor: Ing. Marek Moravčík – Qualification level: Bachelor (bc.) in field of Informatic’s –...
Site-to-site VPN tunely
The goal of bachelor thesis is review and deployment of site-to-site VPN technology on devices from different manufacturers. The theoretical part describes the different technologies related to VPN. The practical part deals with the deployment of selected technology...
Orchestrácia kontajnerov v prostredí Cloud Computing-u
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to analyze current options of container orchestration in Cloud Computing environment and to deploy a container platform to the cloud environment at Department of Information Networks. Theoretical part consists of the...
Porovnanie bezpečnostných mechanizmov v OS Linux
The goal of bachelor thesis is to familiarize with security mechanisms in Linux operating system, their demonstration, analysis and comparison. The theoretical part describes the basic characteristics of each mechanism. The practical part deals with basic manipulation...
Windows ako sieťový operačný systém
KIČIN, Benedikt: Windows as network operating system. [Bachelor thesis]. Benedikt Kičin. – University of Žilina in Žilina. Faculty of management science and informatics; Department of Information Networks. – Supervisor: Ing. Marek Moravčík, 2017, number of pages = 40....
Rozšírenie funkcionalít systému CAS
ŠIMSKÝ, Július: Enhancing functionalities of CAS system. [Master Thesis]. – University of Zilina, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, Department of Information Networks; Tutor: Ing. Marek Moravčík, PhD. – Degree of qualification level: Engineer of Applied...
Systém sieťového úložiska dát
The aim of the thesis is to introduce the operating systems offering the services ofthe network storage. A part of the thesis is focused on testing the systems and protocols withvarious client operational systems. Another part of the thesis is to design the use of...
Nasadenie automatizácie na DMZ sieť
DMZs are used to connect to a server and to organize. Currently, a virtualized server environment is preferred, and migration of virtual servers between physical machines is a common issue. VLAN, deployment of access list, etc. The work deals with the analysis of DMZ...